Hi, I’m Dr. Megha Pulianda

I’m a USA born, South Asian American woman. I use she/her pronouns. I’m a wife, mother, and the proud daughter of hardworking immigrants. I possess a deeply American spirit with a global perspective.

What do I do best? I help high achievers better manage their anxiety.

When your anxiety is in check, you can achieve your goals, build better relationships, and enjoy a peaceful life.

I studied psychology at The University of Texas at Austin (Hook ‘em!), then completed my Master’s degree in counseling at Southern Methodist University. I discovered a passion for trauma work and research, leading me to train at a variety of sites from inpatient hospital care to domestic violence shelters. I went on to pursue my PhD in Counseling Psychology at Texas Woman’s University. To bring my education full circle, I did my psychology internship at The University of Texas at Austin Counseling and Mental Health Center.

I am both a Texas-licensed LPC and Psychologist. I enjoy teaching, writing, speaking, and consulting when I’m not doing therapy.

I love music, literature, and film. Cooking and baking feel meditative to me. I’m always looking for a Netflix show to gobble up in a weekend. My perfect day would include laughter and fun with my family followed by a pocket of peace and quiet in a bookstore.

I’m fascinated by people, and my first priority as a therapist is to understand the individual I’m working with on a deep and meaningful level.

You are a unique person. There is no one on this planet like you. Your care should be equally personalized.

Growing up, I was often told that I was a sensitive child. Those words pierced me during my youth, though as I grew, I learned that the quality I once viewed as a burden was an incredible gift. My emotional intelligence and care for others was far from a weakness—it was my superpower.

The bottom line:
I am a flawed person actively working toward an authentic, values-driven lifestyle, and I’m passionate about helping others do the same.